The Political Influence of Rare Earth Elements

“This year, COP26, set to take place in the Roosevelt Group’s home of Scotland, is consumed by public rhetoric which prompts further discussions of a carbon neutral future—how will energy geopolitics be affected?” — Dain Rohtla — President Emeritus

Photo: M.I.T

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Dain Rohtla
The CRISPR Caste

The benefits of potentially eradicating illness and disease do not outweigh the social consequences. The use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology will exacerbate income inequality, further dividing social classes, and inherently create a more rigid social hierarchy. As a result, a new resulting genetic ruling class will emerge.

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Ghost Ships in the Sea of Japan

“The revenue earned from ghost ships selling weaponry undermines the increased sanctions on North Korea. Therefore, the rise of ghost ships represents a failure by the global community to curtail the Kim Jong-un regime.” – Alexander Brunner

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Alexander Brunner
Shifting Power in the Middle East: Iran-China Alliance

Both the lifting of the United States’ sanctions on Iran and the closing of the Iran-China deal will potentially bring great changes to power dynamics in the Middle East and the global order. As none of these changes are final at the time of this article’s publication, it will be interesting to watch how the events surrounding the deal unfolds in the upcoming months.

Photo: Getty Images

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Audrey Sims
Steps Forward After "Seaspiracy"

Ali Tabrizi’s recent documentary, Seaspiracy, quickly made waves and inspired people to rethink their consumption practices. Tabrizi explores the Japanese dolphin and tuna industry, proposes a pragmatic view on ocean plastic, and provides significant insight into human rights violations in the industry. Despite the time limitations of a documentary, fear-mongering issues were overemphasized and solutions were cursory which induced unnecessary despair towards the industry.

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Dain Rohtla
Coronavirus in North Korea: Does the country really have no cases?

North Korea has never reported any confirmed cases of Covid-19. Whilst restrictions in most of the world have not, for the most part prevented the spread of pandemic, it seems North Korea’s extreme and rapid response to the threat, along with its isolationism, has helped prevent the cases, hospitalisations, and deaths experienced by the majority of countries.

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Olivia Groom
WTF is an NFT?

Data rights have presented themselves as one of the main issues Generation Z will face. In order to protect digital creations and proceed in an increasingly digitized world, people must stake their claim in their own media. NFTs and their applications lend themselves perfectly to the world’s transition to Web 3.0.

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Brett Borthwick