Mind the Age Gap: Germany's Impending Pension Crisis

As a longstanding powerhouse in the global economy, Germany has often been able to bounce back from macroeconomic tests like the 2008 Financial Crash and costly War Reparation Payments. However, one such test, ingrained in the economic labour force itself, may be more challenging to overcome: the impending pension crisis.

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Kelly Davies
Biden Energy Plan

President Biden’s campaign promise for the 2020 election was a return to normalcy in government following the turbulent years of the Trump administration. As the Biden presidency begins to take shape, it has become clear that the geopolitical landscape has changed dramatically since the Obama administration. It remains uncertain if American policy will adapt to these changed circumstances.

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Nicholas Podell
A Message From Our Partner

Ecosia is a search egine that uses its ad revenue to plant trees and help the environment. We want to bolster the university’s sustainable outlook by ensuring our students and staff switch to search engines that benefit Mother Earth.

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The Roosevelt Group
Review: A More Resilient Union

Even if the public is educated on the merits of government intervention, will they believe what they hear? Or will the variety allowed for under federalism prevent the public from realising the benefits of government, especially in areas traditionally opposed to interference?

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Hampton Toole
America Needs Environmental Taxes

People do not like change so it needs to be innocuous, unnoticeable, and without underlying partisan riders. With time it should scale up to be increasingly effective. By enacting these following changes now, we will be on a better path towards a greener future and open the door to more environmental legislation in a few years.

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Dain Rohtla
The 2020s: Space Odyssey

The way Kennedy spoke about outer space is the way explorers and visionaries speak about the unknown and what it can achieve: ‘We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people.’

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Oliver Randon