“Women should not be afraid to go out and enjoy themselves. Ultimately, the onus falls upon the U.K. government to enact social and legal changes to protect our communities.” – Camille Glatt
Read More“…self-improvement techniques of mass organization and distribution of information, while impressive, may not be beneficial when incorporated into everyday life.” – Tracy Yang
Read More“Hateful reactions have contributed to a culture where feminism is maligned and shunned.” – Yoonseo Jung
Read More“At a time where the U.S.’s adversaries are modernizing their nuclear capabilities, limiting the United States’ retaliatory options could embolden them to act aggressively.” – Andrew Richardson
Read More“The FTSE 100 is slowly becoming less and less effective and needs a reform to more accurately reflect the U.K. economy and help British investors ‘win’ as much as their international peers.” – Elliot Vavitsas
Read More“the algorithms only pick up on and automate pre-existing inequalities because they do not understand their significance.” – Sarah Mackel
Read More“The future of warfare is changing with the continuous introduction of new technologies and weapon systems.” – Dasha McDonald
Read More“These are just two examples, among too many, of ways the Kremlin has destroyed democracy and gone back to the corrupt and criminal Soviet-era, one-party-system. Dmitri Furman, a Russian political scientist, once wrote, Russia is an “imitation democracy,” a combination of democratic illusion and authoritarian reality.” – Tatiana
Read More“As the world grows increasingly interdependent, climate-related disasters in one part of the world affect everyone and necessitate international responsibility to help asylum seekers.” —Makenna Hartwich
Read More“[Singapore’s] healthcare system above all, is a unique, excellent feature and driver of their ever-strengthening economic profile.” – Emily Dow
Read More“The authority of these artistically embalmed figures has forever dictated our views on how cultures see the past. Public art is the great constructor of historical victory…” – Catherine Barrie
Read More“The legitimacy of free will thus seems apparent, but there are other factors at play—social conditioning, ethnicity, race, politics, and more.” — Brett Borthwick
Read More“This year, COP26, set to take place in the Roosevelt Group’s home of Scotland, is consumed by public rhetoric which prompts further discussions of a carbon neutral future—how will energy geopolitics be affected?” — Dain Rohtla — President Emeritus
Photo: M.I.T
Read More“China and the United States have heavily invested in technologies that will shape the next era of problem-solving and warfare.” — Gabriel Flouret
Read More“…museums should see Germany's decision as a signal for what may be inevitable as they face social and political pressures.” – Helen Jorgensen
Photo: Andreas Praefcke
Read More“Heavy financial burden and indifference for safe workplace measures make it difficult to justify the costs of the industry against the relatively small returns.” – Gigi Glover
Read More“Historical racial segregation policies like redlining… can be traced as a direct factor to Covid-19’s impact and communities’ quality of healthcare.” - Makenna Hartwich
Read More“Essential for enabling growth, consistent renewable energy production is necessary for North Africa to compete and become, as scholars predict, an economic hub.” – Oliver Evison
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