How Will Brazil’s New Approach to Oil Production Affect Global Sustainability?

President Luiz Inacio is facing issues on all sides in regards to climate change – since his election in 2022, he has asserted himself as a ‘preeminent’ leader of the climate crises, most notably for his legislation combating deforestation in the Amazon. However, new developments in oil production may prove a hindrance to his green plan for Brazil’s future. 

Petrobras, the leading oil production company in Brazil, has expressed desire to grow their domestic yield. “The Brazilian oil scenario in 2023 reflects a notable advance in exports, driven by robust production and strategies focused on expansion and modernization, despite future challenges and trends.” By their estimations, Brazil could become the 3rd leading oil producer in the world, passing China, Russia, and Kuwait, just behind Saudi Arabia and Iran by 2030. 

Although Brazil previously advocated for climate protection, many politicians and citizens are growing tired of their resources being depleted for a war not fought equally on all sides.  Many believed Brazil would shift towards more “green hydrogen opportunities” of which Brazil has significant resources. Jones explains, “to be sustainable, forest protection must be combined with real investment in sustainable livelihoods and job creation.”

Many in Brazil have raised concerns that their progressive initiative in climate action is not being reciprocated by their northern, more economically advanced counterparts.  In 2022, The United States produced 5,250 metric tonnes more of CO2 than Brazil.  Concerns have been raised that more developed nations do not proportionally take action to help combat the climate crisis proportionally to states like Brazil. Chief Executive of Petrobras Jean Paul Prates says, “we will not give up that prerogative…because others are not doing their own sacrifice as well”. Many Brazilian politicians and civilians agree that climate action must be proportionate if any change can be expected. “There’s a very long way to go in convincing Brazilian voters that there needs to be a painful reorganisation of society to stave off climate change.” 

Alternatively, many argue oil production in Brazil as a positive alternative as the environmental impact is lower compared to many other countries. Production is not only cheaper, but requires less energy to produce and consequently marginally cleaner. However, claiming to be an ecologically constructive nation, Brazil is representing two different faces of a coin, both protecting forest conservation in the Amazon but also producing oil in its neighbouring terrain. Other countries may follow suit, through increasing oil production or adjusting their own climate action to mirror larger nations' lack of environmental action. COP29 will prove an interesting development in the climate scheme as one of the primary issues addressed is the climate financing within poorer countries to invest in cleaner energy. With Brazil’s headway as a leading oil producer, lawmakers and international organisations may have to shift their approach to the climate crises to win over these struggling nations.


Bearak, Max. 2024. “Brazil's Clashing Goals: Protect the Amazon and Pump Lots More Oil.” The New York Times, March 13, 2024.

“Brazil: Oil exports record the highest level in two decades.” 2024. Brazil Energy Insight.

Jones, Bruce, Sophia Hart, and Diana P. García. 2023. “Autonomy or alignment? The US-Brazil relationship in a changing world order | Brookings.” Brookings Institution, August 20, 2023.

Paddison, Laura, and Annette Choi. 2024. “Which countries are contributing the most to climate change?” CNN, January 2, 2024.